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최상용목사님 말씀

by 파자.다정.설야 2021. 6. 1.

최상용목사님 말씀

인천성산교회 2021. 5. 30주일 예배






바울사도의 가족관

디모데전서 5:1-8 (1 Timothy 5:1-8)




1 늙은이를 꾸짖지 말고 권하되

아버지에게 하듯 하며

젊은이에게는 형제에게 하듯 하고

2 늙은 여자에게는 어머니에게 하듯 하며

젊은 여자에게는

온전히 깨끗함으로 자매에게 하듯 하라

3 참 과부인 과부를 존대하라

4 만일 어떤 과부에게 자녀나 손자들이 있거든

그들로 먼저 자기 집에서 효를 행하여

부모에게 보답하기를 배우게 하라

이것이 하나님 앞에 받으실 만한 것이니라

5 참 과부로서 외로운 자는 하나님께 소망을 두어

주야로 항상 간구와 기도를 하거니와

6 향락을 좋아하는 자는 살았으나 죽었느니라

7 네가 또한 이것을 명하여

그들로 책망 받을 것이 없게 하라

8 누구든지 자기 친족

특히 자기 가족을 돌보지 아니하면

믿음을 배반한 자요

불신자보다 더 악한 자니라




1 Don't correct an older man. Encourage him,

as you would your own father.

Treat younger men as you would your own brother,

2 and treat older women as you would your own mother.

Show the same respect to younger women

that you would to your sister.

3 Take care of any widow who is really in need.

4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren,

they should learn to serve God by taking care of her,

as she once took care of them.

This is what God wants them to do.

5 A widow who is really in need is one

who doesn't have any relatives. She has faith in God,

and she keeps praying to him night

and day, asking for his help.

6 A widow who thinks only about having

a good time is already dead,

even though she is still alive.

7 Tell all of this to everyone,

so they will do the right thing.

8 People who don't take care of their relatives,

and especially their own families,

have given up their faith.

They are worse than someone

who doesn't have faith in the Lord.




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