골로새서 1:15-23 (Colossians 1:15-23)
모든 피조물보다 먼저 나신 이시니
16 만물이 그에게서 창조되되
하늘과 땅에서 보이는 것들과 보이지 않는 것들과
혹은 왕권들이나 주권들이나 통치자들이나 권세들이나
만물이 다 그로 말미암고 그를 위하여 창조되었고
17 또한 그가 만물보다 먼저 계시고
만물이 그 안에 함께 섰느니라
18 그는 몸인 교회의 머리시라
그가 근본이시요 죽은 자들 가운데서 먼저 나신 이시니
이는 친히 만물의 으뜸이 되려 하심이요
19 아버지께서는
모든 충만으로 예수 안에 거하게 하시고
20 그의 십자가의 피로 화평을 이루사
만물 곧 땅에 있는 것들이나 하늘에 있는 것들이
그로 말미암아 자기와 화목하게 되기를 기뻐하심이라
21 전에 악한 행실로 멀리 떠나
마음으로 원수가 되었던 너희를
22 이제는 그의 육체의 죽음으로 말미암아 화목하게 하사
너희를 거룩하고 흠 없고 책망할 것이 없는 자로
그 앞에 세우고자 하셨으니
23 만일 너희가 믿음에 거하고 터 위에 굳게 서서
너희 들은 바 복음의 소망에서 흔들리지 아니하면 그리하리라
이 복음은 천하 만민에게 전파된 바요
나 바울은 이 복음의 일꾼이 되었노라
15 Christ is exactly like God,
who cannot be seen. He is the first-born Son,
superior to all creation.
16 Everything was created by him,
everything in heaven and on earth,
everything seen and unseen, including all forces and powers,
and all rulers and authorities.
All things were created by God's Son,
and everything was made for him.
17 God's Son was before all else,
and by him everything is held together.
18 He is the head of his body, which is the church.
He is the very beginning,
the first to be raised from death,
so that he would be above all others.
19 God himself was pleased
to live fully in his Son.
20 And God was pleased for him
to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross,
so that all beings in heaven
and on earth would be brought back to God.
21 You used to be far from God.
Your thoughts made you his enemies,
and you did evil things.
22 But his Son became a human and died.
So God made peace with you,
and now he lets you stand in his presence
as people who are holy
and faultless and innocent.
23 But you must stay deeply rooted a
nd firm in your faith. You must not give up the hope
you received when you heard the good news. I
t was preached to everyone on earth,
and I myself have become a servant of this message.
기독교대한감리회인천성산교회(담임목사 최상용목사님)정원에서
만민에게 복음을 전파하라 (막 16-15)
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