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하나님말씀.. 여호수아 6:12-21 (Joshua 6:12-25)

by 파자.다정.설야 2019. 9. 23.


여호수아 6:12-21 (Joshua 6:12-25)

12    여호수아가 아침에 일찍이 일어나니

제사장들이 여호와의 궤를 메고

13    제사장 일곱은 양각 나팔 일곱을 잡고

여호와의 궤 앞에서 계속 행진하며 나팔을 불고 무장한 자들은

그 앞에 행진하며 후군은 여호와의 궤 뒤를 따르고

제사장들은 나팔을 불며 행진하니라

14    그 둘째 날에도 그 성을 한 번 돌고 진영으로 돌아오니라

엿새 동안을 이같이 행하니라

15    일곱째 날 새벽에 그들이 일찍이 일어나서 전과 같은 방식으로

그 성을 일곱 번 도니 그 성을 일곱 번 돌기는 그 날뿐이었더라

16    일곱 번째에 제사장들이 나팔을 불 때에 여호수아가 백성에게 이르되

외치라 여호와께서 너희에게 이 성을 주셨느니라

17    이 성과 그 가운데에 있는 모든 것은 여호와께 온전히 바치되

기생 라합과 그 집에 동거하는 자는 모두 살려 주라

이는 우리가 보낸 사자들을 그가 숨겨 주었음이니라

18    너희는 온전히 바치고 그 바친 것 중에서 어떤 것이든지 취하여

너희가 이스라엘 진영으로 바치는 것이 되게 하여

고통을 당하게 되지 아니하도록

오직 너희는 그 바친 물건에 손대지 말라

19    은금과 동철 기구들은 다 여호와께 구별될 것이니

그것을 여호와의 곳간에 들일지니라 하니라

20    이에 백성은 외치고 제사장들은 나팔을 불매

백성이 나팔 소리를 들을 때에 크게 소리 질러 외치니

성벽이 무너져 내린지라 백성이 각기 앞으로 나아가

그 성에 들어가서 그 성을 점령하고

21    그 성 안에 있는 모든 것을 온전히 바치되

남녀 노소와 소와 양과 나귀를 칼날로 멸하니라

12-14    Early the next morning, Joshua

and everyone else started marching around Jericho in the same order as the day before.

One group of soldiers was in front,

 followed by the seven priests with trumpets and the priests who carried the chest.

The rest of the army came next.

 The seven priests blew their trumpets while everyone marched slowly around Jericho

and back to camp.

They did this once a day for six days.

15    On the seventh day, the army got up at daybreak.

They marched slowly around Jericho the same as they had done for the past six days,

except on this day they went around seven times.

16    Then the priests blew the trumpets,

and Joshua yelled: Get ready to shout! The LORD will let you capture this town.

17    But you must destroy it and everything in it,

to show that it now belongs to the LORD. 

The woman Rahab helped the spies we sent,

so protect her and the others who are inside her house.

But kill everyone else in the town.

18-19    The silver and gold and everything made of bronze

and iron belong to the LORD and must be put in his treasury.

Be careful to follow these instructions,

because if you see something you want and take it,

the LORD will destroy Israel. And it will be all your fault. 

20    The priests blew their trumpets again,

and the soldiers shouted as loud as they could.

The walls of Jericho fell flat. Then the soldiers rushed up the hill,

went straight into the town, and captured it.

21-25    They killed everyone, men and women,

young and old, everyone except Rahab and the others in her house.

 They even killed every cow, sheep,

and donkey. Joshua said to the two men who had been spies,

"Rahab kept you safe when I sent you to Jericho.

We promised to protect her and her family,

and we will keep that promise.

Now go into her house and bring them out."
The two men went into Rahab's house and brought her out,

along with her father and mother, her brothers, and her other relatives.

Rahab and her family had to stay in a place just outside the Israelite army camp.

But later they were allowed to live among the Israelites,

and her descendants still do.
The Israelites took the silver and gold and the things made of bronze

and iron and put them with the rest of the treasure that was kept at the LORD's house.

Finally, they set fire to Jericho and everything in it.


기독교대한감리회인천성산교회(담임목사 최상용목사님)정원에서

 만민에게 복음을 전파하라 (막 16-15)